For almost a year and a half (Aug, 2008 to Jan, 2010), Airspace Action on Smoking and Health conducted a poll on its website: “Do you support Airspace’s call for the total eradication of the tobacco industry from the face of the planet?”

Of the two possible responses (YES or NO) – and with all due respect (and thanks!) to the 76 people who voted “YES” – Airspace President Errol E. Povah wasn’t terribly interested in ‘the reasons’ for the YES votes. Why? Because those ‘reasons’ most likely would have been something like, “It’s the ‘decent’/’common sense’/’right’ thing to do... and it’s long overdue!” Or the comments probably would have, in one way or another, reflected the statement on which our call -- for the total eradication of the tobacco industry from the face of the planet – was and is based: Given what is now known about both tobacco and the tobacco industry, there is no justification whatsoever for any civilized nation fo the world to allow that industry to continue to exist or operate within its borders.

However, Povah was – and still is – extremely interested in hearing ‘reasons’ from those 105 people who oppose the eradication idea.

Frankly, the only people we can think of who might oppo$e the idea are tobacco executive$ and the $mall army of well-paid puppet$ (including $ome of the be$t politician$ and lawyer$ money can buy [former Prime Mini$ter Paul Martin being one of the be$t example$]) the tobacco indu$try own$. The rea$on$ for their oppo$ition $hould be very obviou$!

This invitation is open indefinitely... to those 105 poll responders and anyone else.

To be clear: It’s a free country! It would be naive in the extreme for us to think that everyone should agree with us! You have every right to disagree with us... and to oppose our call for the total eradication of the tobacco industry from the face of the planet. But please, have the courage to tell us, in your own words, exactly why you oppose the idea. While you’re at it, perhaps you could tell us something good about either tobacco or the tobacco industry.

Click here to send us your response.